Essay, Research Paper: Tom Jones

Book Reports

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Tom Jones, by Henry Fielding is a novel that is identical to a soap opera. This
book deals with everything from treachery to lust to deceit. He writes about a
man and woman’s love for one another and that nothing can stand in their way.
Class separates them and they will not let that stop them. “Acquired a
discretion and prudence very uncommon in one of his lively parts.” This is a
quote from Squire Allworthy to Tom. I believe that Fielding’s purpose in
writing this novel was purely to entertain. He also added stabs at the class
society in medieval England. He wrote this novel to inspire hope in the people
of his time. He wanted them to go for their dreams and never to give up hope.
But most of all this was for entertainment. Humans like to see lives that are in
more turmoil than their own. This is why we have soap operas on television
today. He achieves this by using characters that seem to be imaginable. He puts
these characters in amazing situations. When the reader believes that they have
something pinned he puts in another twist that sends your senses spiraling. A
specific instance in the novel is when the reader finds out that Mrs. Waters is
actually Jenny Jones who is Tom’s mother. He sleeps with Mrs. Waters not
knowing this. Fielding does not unveil this secret until the end of the novel.
The major problem in the book is simple. There is a deceitful man named Blifil.
He and Tom are going after the same woman, Sophia Western. Blifil is a kaniving
person and besmirches the reputation of Tom. He makes up lies that hurt Tom’s
chances with Sophia. Tom is also a bastard and Sophia's father does not want her
to marry a bastard. But he does want her to marry Blifil because he is in line
to inherit a large estate. After arguments and many other incidences the truth
is revealed. Everyone finds out that Tom is the good one and Blifil is the bad
one. Tom also gets the girl. Henry Fielding was born on April 22, 1707, at
Sharpham Park in Somersetshire to well-situated, upper-class parents. His mother
was the grand daughter of Sir Henry gold, Baron of the Exchequer, and his
father, Edmund, fought against the forces of Louis XIV under the Duke of
Marlborough, who eventually rose to the rank of lieutenant general. Fielding was
home school as was Tom Jones in the novel. A clerk-man from the University of
Leyden educated him. And he began not as a novelist, but as a playwright. His
first play was, Love in Several Masques. It was written and performed in 1728,
he was still quite young. During the next ten years he wrote eight more long
plays and over fifteen short plays which he called Farces. Arthur Murphy wrote
the first biography of Fielding in 1762. “For though it must be acknowledged
that in the whole collection there are few plays likely to make any considerable
figure on the stage hereafter, yet they are worthy of being preserved, being the
works of a genius, who in his wildest and most inaccurate productions, yet
occasionally displays the talents of a master.” In 1737 he began to study law
at Middle Court. He was admitted to the bar in 1740. In the remaining fourteen
years of his life he published four novels. He also wrote a BI-weekly newspaper
called the Covent Garden Journal. In 1748 he was named Justice of the Peace for
the Westminster district of London and in 1749 for all of Middlesex County. He
was a proponent of social reform. He spent the last five years of his life in
and out of courts and parliament. In 1753 he published “Proposal for Making an
Effectual Provision for the Poor.” In April 1754 he was forced to resign his
position as magistrate and move to Portugal. He later died in October of 1754. I
believe that the specific theme of this novel to to never give up. That if a
person has a dream and eventhough others tell them they can not reach it that
they should still reach. If your goal is the top and you just miss than are you
not above the top? Plot- Some of the major actions in the story are: In the
beginning with Jenny Jones giving birth to Tom Jones. This is were Fielding’s
main character starts. Then as we learn about Blifil and Tom. There are many
conflicts between these two that are important. The fights that these two had,
especially the last fight were Tom is kicked out of the house which starts much
of the turmoil between characters. Many of the twists and turns of the
relationship between Sophia and Tom are cuttial to the story. Squire Allworthy
– A wealthy and wise landowner, magistrate, and philanthropist living in
Somersetshire, England Bridget Allworthy – The matronly sister of Squire
Allworthy. She has little but her wealth. We learn that she is Tom’s real
mother. Deborah Wilkins – The waiting-woman to Bridget and a self-styled maid
of the squire’s house and has a deep moral upbringing. Tom Jones – The hero
of the novel, he is the illegitimate son of Bridget. All worthy adops Tom and,
even though he does not know that Tom is really his nephew, he treats Tom like a
son. Jenny Jones – She is a servant to the schoolmaster, Mr. Partridge. She is
accused of being Tom’s mother. Tom has an affair with her at Upton Inn. She
changes her name to Mrs. Waters. Mr. Partridge – He is the schoolmaster. His
is falsely accused of being Tom’s father and is bannished. He also takes
another name, Little Benjamin. Captain Blifil – A hipocrate who is only
interested in money and wealth, who takes advantage of Allworthy’s generosity.
Master Blifil – He is the son of Bridget and Captain Blifil. He wants to get
all of Allworthy’s estate. Mr. Thwackum – He is a tutor brought in to teach
Blifil and Tom. He love to disipline with the whip. Mr. Square – Also
responsible for educating Blifil and Tom. Squire Western – Allworthy’s
neighbor. He loves three things, to hunt, the bottle (alcohol), and his
daughter. Sophia Western – She is lovely and intelegent. She is loved by tome
and he want to marry her. Mrs. Western – She is stubborn and pretentious. She
is the sister to Squire Western. She has no husband or children so she puts all
of her efforts into Sophia.

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